The Four Avenues of Service
The Four Avenues of Service are Rotary’s philosophical cornerstone and the foundation of our Club’s activities.
Strengthening fellowship and ensuring a well-run Club.
Encouraging Rotarians to serve others through their vocations and to practice high ethical standards.

The projects and activities the Club undertakes to improve life in its community.
The actions taken to expand Rotary’s humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world understanding and peace.

The Rotary Club of Atlanta
Early Education Initiative

The Rotary Club of Atlanta, a group of nearly 500 of Atlanta’s most
influential business and civic leaders, is proud to announce the launch of “Early Childhood
Champions,” an estimated three-year, $1.75 million initiative to “retain and train” early educators
in the City of Atlanta, increasing both access to and the quality of early childhood education
across the city. The program is a direct response to the recent call by Atlanta Mayor Andre
Dickens for a historic $20 million public-private investment in early education.
Rotarians are able to contribute in both time and monetary efforts. If interested, please contact for more details.
Here's the press release to learn more about the project.
The Rotary Club of Atlanta
Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force
The Rotary Club of Atlanta is dedicated to serving the community and addressing its dilemmas, and one of those is human trafficking. Human trafficking is a crime involving the exploitation of a person for involuntary labor or a commercial sex act using force, fraud or coercion. Due to a variety of factors, Atlanta has become a hub for one of the fastest-growing criminal industries –buying and selling humans. The Rotary Club of Atlanta saw an opportunity to change this reality, and the Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force was born.

Philanthropic Foundations
The Rotary Club of Atlanta prides itself on its philanthropic community activities. Over the years, we have established three foundations to help our Club make a lasting impact.

Rotary Education Foundation
Established in 1923 by The Rotary Club of Atlanta, the initial emphasis for the Rotary Educational Foundation was on granting loans to deserving young men and women from the Metro Atlanta area allowing them to complete their education. With the emergence of readily available tuition sources, including government loans and scholarship programs, the thrust of the Foundation changed.
Today our focus is providing grants to promote literacy programs for kindergarten through eighth grade students in the Atlanta area.
Classified as a 501(c) (3) foundation, the REF distributes more than $100,000 annually.
Youth Service Fund
The Youth Service Fund, Inc. was chartered March 1, 1946. The Fund was launched by a contribution of $1,000 from the Rotary Educational Foundation of Atlanta, Inc. Additional funds were obtained from two baseball benefit games contributed by a member. By 1947, the Fund was sustained entirely by contributions made by our club members.
The purpose of the Fund is to promote education, recreation, training and vocational guidance, in a campership setting, to the underprivileged boys and girls in Metro Atlanta. This 501(c)(3) fund provides grants of approximately $100,000 annually.

Rotary Charitable Foundation
The Charitable Foundation was established by the Rotary Club of Atlanta in 2005 to support community, national and international club projects.
Since inception a wide variety of projects have been undertaken, including:​
2005 - Support to Katrina Victims
2005-2008 - Kenya Water Project which produced approximately 100 water wells and helped 200,000 people.